
Agilicious: Open-Source and Open-Hardware Agile Quadrotor for Vision-Based Flight

Autonomous, agile quadrotor flight raises fundamental challenges for robotics research in terms of perception, planning, learning, and control. A versatile and standardized platform is needed to accelerate research and let practitioners focus on the …

Performance, Precision, and Payloads: Adaptive Nonlinear MPC for Quadrotors

Agile quadrotor flight in challenging environments has the potential to revolutionize shipping, transportation, and search and rescue applications. Nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) has recently shown promising results for agile quadrotor …

Model Predictive Contouring Control for Near-Time-Optimal Quadrotor Flight

We tackle the problem of flying time-optimal trajectories through multiple waypoints with quadrotors. State-of-the-art solutions split the problem into a planning task - where a global, time-optimal trajectory is generated - and a control task - …

Nonlinear MPC for Quadrotor Fault-Tolerant Control

The mechanical simplicity, hover capabilities, and high agility of quadrotors lead to a fast adaption in the industry for inspection, exploration, and urban aerial mobility. On the other hand, the unstable and underactuated dynamics of quadrotors …

A Comparative Study of Nonlinear MPC and Differential-Flatness-Based Control for Quadrotor Agile Flight

Accurate trajectory tracking control for quadrotors is essential for safe navigation in cluttered environments. However, this is challenging in agile flights due to nonlinear dynamics, complex aerodynamic effects, and actuation constraints. In this …

NeuroBEM: Hybrid Aerodynamic Quadrotor Model

Quadrotors are extremely agile, so much in fact, that classic first-principle-models come to their limits. Aerodynamic effects, while insignificant at low speeds, become the dominant model defect during high speeds or agile maneuvers. Accurate …

Time-Optimal Planning for Quadrotor Waypoint Flight

Quadrotors are amongst the most agile flying robots. However, planning time-optimal trajectories at the actuation limit through multiple waypoints remains an open problem. This is crucial for applications such as inspection, delivery, search and …

Data-Driven MPC for Quadrotors

Aerodynamic forces render accurate high-speed trajectory tracking with quadrotors extremely challenging. These complex aerodynamic effects become a significant disturbance at high speeds, introducing large positional tracking errors, and are …

AlphaPilot: Autonomous Drone Racing

VIMO: Simultaneous Visual Inertial Model-based Odometry and Force Estimation